Sponsorship for the Hampton Walks for Hannah

Created by Angela O'Neill 5th April 2012 This event has closed


Hannah was about Ronan and Avril's age. A very close family friend of friends, a Hampton girl who went to school locally and had begun university last Autumn. She contracted meningitis, was admitted to hospital and died two days later. I am very happy to support the 'Search 4 a Vaccine Campaign' run by Meningitis UK and walk the walk on Saturday, 14th April from Hampton Hill Junior School at 2pm. RIP Hannah. Thank you for your donation, no matter how small. Angela xx


From Ann, Roy and Tom Gwilliam

16th April 2012
Thank you for all your sponsors for the walk. We are truly thankful for everyone's generosity and giving up their time for such a worthy cause.

From Ann, Roy and Tom Gwilliam

14th April 2012
thank you for supporting Meningitis UK Search for a vaccine in memory of our daughter Hannah. She, too, would want to help save future lives. sorry we can't be with you. X